Our History:
Secure First was developed over twenty years ago to fill a niche overlooked in the market, providing outstanding service to small and mid-sized to large companies. We also work closely with families and individuals. We are located in downtown in The Becker Building located at 401 Main Street Suite 106.
Our friendly staff at Secure First becomes your liason between your employees or family and the insurance companies offloading the workload of internal staff facilitating claims and enrolling new employees.
We work closely with the insurance companies to create unique offerings. We shop every available Health, Life, Dental and Vision Companies. Our agents find individuals,families, and companies affordable and reliable benefits for you and your employees, individuals and families.

Typically, Secure First is able to save companies 15%-30% on their health benefit costs without reducing health benefits and offer employers a variety of different plans.
Our main objective is to ensure our clients get the best healthcare needs that’s in the market. We work hard for you the client to try to get the most competitive rates that we possibly can. At Secure First we pride ourselves in always being there for our clients.
Let’s start working together, today!
We are looking forward to hearing form you! People are what drive us, and we wouldn’t exist without you!
“The team at Secure First is always looking to unlock benefits and savings for anyone from businesses and dentists to children and families!”
Blair Gambill
Secure First CEO